Archive for the ‘IDEAS FOR LIVING’ Category


February 1, 2007









Last post

January 31, 2007

This is the last day of life*fever as a blog! Tommorrow it will be a big day, with the launching of a new design and feautures… So don’t miss it! Check out here, at midnight the new link!

But before I go, I had to share this videos with you, that I have discovered at fashion pig.. They are amazing. Very fashionable moments..

Ideas for living… #entrance

July 10, 2006

Nova imagem

It is where we come in and immediatly sense the aura of a home. It is where we gain a first impression of who lives there, which is why it is a good idea for the space to express warmth, and why it is the ideal place to create something special in your own taste and style. In your entrance you want ambience, good cloakroom, notes for the family, getting rid of clutter, light and colour!

Nova imagem (1)

Some tips:
-create a tidy hall with imaginative ideas: store boots on a shelve; keep items from sport and other leisure activities in bags…
-Use the same style you used in your living room…
-Photographs and magazine cuttings help to make your hall unlike any other..

Nova imagem (2)

Don’t forget you can keep the hall tidy but still create a cosy, lived-in feel. The lighter they are, the roomier they appear. The hall is the best place for colour experimentation, because we are only there for a short time.

Dare to try it your self….

Source: “Ideas for living”